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COVID-19 & Flu Vaccines: Don't Let Your Protection Fade

The Scottish Government needed an effective campaign that encouraged at-risk groups to come forward for both their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations this Autumn/Winter. It was important the campaign had the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements, so it could be tailored as and when different groups became eligible for their vaccinations.

The bold idea

We needed to not only build trust in the vaccination programme, but also make people aware that the flu virus is constantly changing, and COVID-19 vaccine protection fades over time. So, it’s important to keep your protection levels topped up.

We communicated this important message using the visual metaphor of a light, which our cast members held in their hands to represent their level of protection. The light flickered and faded pre-vaccination and glowed brightly post-vaccination.

The results

The campaign launched in October 2022, running across TV, radio and social/digital channels, targeting those eligible and most at-risk from both the flu and COVID-19 viruses.

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