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IFPMA - Vaccines for Life

IFPMA wanted to create a campaign to tell a broader story of vaccines, to show how they can help us live healthier lives and how innovations like mRNA give hope for HIV and cancer treatments.

The Challenge

Vaccines have never been such a hot topic. The COVID-19 pandemic made everyone have an opinion on things like mRNA, antibodies and herd immunity. But all this focus on COVID-19 vaccines came with challenges, such as diverted healthcare resources that caused disruption in routine vaccinations, as well as exposure to increased misinformation.

IFPMA wanted to create a campaign showing how safe vaccines are, why they are important, how they have saved lives, and prevented disabilities and hospitalisations.

The Smart Thinking

We created a new chapter of the #TeamVaccines campaign, expanding our focus from COVID-19 vaccines to build confidence in all vaccines, showing how they can protect us at all ages and stages of life.

The #VaccinesForLife campaign celebrates vaccines’ positive impact on our world and champions their potential to save even more lives in the future.

The most amazing thing about vaccines are the things they prevent – the things that don’t happen. Our campaign celebrated the lives vaccines allow us to live and the promise they provide for the future.

We created a series of films and web stories running on digital media worldwide, that feature real employees from IFPMA member companies talking about their personal motivations for helping the world benefit from vaccines.

The Results

From the world’s first malaria vaccine, to the critical role vaccines can play in slowing antimicrobial resistance, each employee tells a different story of a vaccine achievement or future innovation, shining a light on the benefits and hope they can offer us all.

By showcasing the value of vaccines and highlighting the benefits of current and future vaccines for everyone over the course of their lives this campaign will build a better understanding and trust in the role of the biopharmaceutical industry to protect our health, well-being and societies.

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  • Health/
  • Campaign/
  • Film

IPHA - Innovate for Life

Ireland plays host to companies developing some of the most ground-breaking innovations in modern medicine. But a lot of people, including policymakers, don’t know about the innovation happening on their doorstep. Our job was to tell that story.

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